Some more formulae to set you straight

added on April 9, 2010

There was recently revealed the logic proof that I expounded on to inform the world of that which I always knew. 

Logically, there only has to be ONE provable piece of evidence to prove God’s existence.  Only one piece to prove He who is, was, and always shall be.  Don’t use me: I’m walking, talking, eating, surfing, etc. proof of Him.  The odds of me accomplishing what I have are already beyond incalculable. Deal with that fact.

Now for more math…

Messiah < God
Messiah > Emperor
Messiah > Imam
Messiah > prophets
Messiah > Saint
Messiah > Scripture
Messiah > Earth
Messiah > aliens
Messiah > demons
Messiah > witches, sorcerers, druids and so on.
Messiah > kings or queens
Messiah > dictators
Messiah > Death
Messiah > religion
Messiah > greedy and lusty hoes
Messiah > star athletes
Messiah > celebutards
Messiah > talking heads
Messiah > politicians
Messiah > clergy
Messiah > God’s adversary
Messiah > Imaginary and false saviors
Messiah > doctors
Messiah > lawyers
Messiah > insurance companies
Messiah > idols
Messiah is knowledge
Messiah is truth

Messiah is God’s Right Hand.

Get it?  Got it?  Good!

About The Messiah

כ״ו בְּסִיוָן תשכ״ג
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